You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

70 lines
3.4 KiB

- schema: double_pinyin_flypy # 小鹤双拼
- schema: luna_pinyin # 全拼
- schema: double_pinyin # 自然码
- schema: terra_pinyin # 地球拼音
- schema: numbers # 大写输入法
- schema: easy_en # 添加英文输入法
- "Control+grave" # 注意是control+`,不是command+`
- "F4"
- "Control+Tab"
- full_shape
- ascii_punct
- simplification
- zh_hans
- emoji_suggestion
#switcher/fold_options: false
menu/page_size: 8
ascii_composer: # 设置caps、shift、control等键的作用
good_old_caps_lock: true # 若为true,caps只切换大小写
Shift_L: commit_code # 上屏 code
Shift_R: inline_ascii # inline_ascii 切换字符不上档
Control_L: commit_code # 上屏 code
Control_R: noop # 不做任何操作
Caps_Lock: commit_code
Eisu_toggle: clear
key_binder/bindings: # 设置哪些键可以翻页,需要哪个取消注释即可
# - { when: composing, accept: Tab, send: Page_Up } # Tab 翻页
- { when: composing, accept: Tab, send: Right } # Tab 移动光标向右
- { when: composing, accept: Shift+Tab, send: Page_Up }
- { when: paging, accept: minus, send: Page_Up }
- { when: has_menu, accept: equal, send: Page_Down }
- { when: paging, accept: bracketleft, send: Page_Up }
- { when: has_menu, accept: bracketright, send: Page_Down }
#- { accept: "Alt+1+Shift_R", toggle: simplification, when: always }
#- { accept: "Shift+Shift_R", select: .next, when: always }
# - {accept: "Control+p", send: Up, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+n", send: Down, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+b", send: Left, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+f", send: Right, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+a", send: Home, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+e", send: End, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+d", send: Delete, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+k", send: "Shift+Delete", when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+h", send: BackSpace, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+g", send: Escape, when: composing}
# - {accept: "Control+bracketleft", send: Escape, when: composing}
# - { when: has_menu, accept: semicolon, send: 2 }
# - { when: has_menu, accept: apostrophe, send: 3 }
# - {accept: comma, send: Page_Up, when: paging}
# - {accept: period, send: Page_Down, when: has_menu}
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+1", select: .next, when: always}
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+2", toggle: ascii_mode, when: always}
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+3", toggle: full_shape, when: always}
# - { accept: "Control+Shift+4", toggle: simplification, when: always }
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+5", toggle: extended_charset, when: always}
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+exclam", select: .next, when: always}
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+at", toggle: ascii_mode, when: always}
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+numbersign", toggle: full_shape, when: always}
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+dollar", toggle: simplification, when: always}
# - {accept: "Control+Shift+percent", toggle: extended_charset, when: always}
# - {accept: "Shift+space", toggle: full_shape, when: always}
# - {accept: "Control+period", toggle: ascii_punct, when: always}
# Rx: BlindingDark/rime-easy-en:customize:schema=double_pinyin_flypy
#__include: easy_en:/patch
#easy_en/enable_sentence: true